Breakfast- 11 December 2016

This morning I got served as well.  Normally I’d scramble some tofu and throw some veggies in, but since my fiancĂ© insisted that I eat what she does, I couldn’t complain much. The breakfast has 2 parts: Fruit salad and sort of oat meal. The fruit salad this time consists of 1 parsimmon fruit (kaki),…

Same breakfast as yesterday

Well, at this point I’m not sure if I should do new posts or just describe that I’ve ate the same thing. Anyway, I’m working all day and no time to think of food, ordering is not an option when I still have stuff in the fridge. Here you go, my breakfast for today 19…

Potent breakfast – 17 November 2016

Lots of physical work today, so I decided to pile up some energy and use it during the day. It was a nice chance to use the leftovers. Final product looks like this: And this is a few days old soup (still nice and charming): I fried some onion, added frozen spinach & kale (5…

Late breakfasf – 13 November 2016

In my previous post I mentioned that I’m making a soup. Maybe it is a tmi, but I captured several photos in the process of making and the final product. If you have a tiny bit of cooking experience, this would be a super simple/easy. Again I try to use what I have in the…

A bit unusual breakfast – 12 November 2016

Normally I don’t do this, but it is weekend and I need to rid of the left overs and something salty to fill up my stomach. Onion, cabbage, soy paste, soy flakes and various spices (ground mustard seeds, turmeric, cayene pepper, pepper, psyllium, sesame seeds, etc) Not sure if there’s any connection, but the smell…